Galozyme® Canine
We got Blaze when he was six weeks old. Right from the start, he was a little different then most puppies. He was quieter, slept a lot and seemed to be very serious. We attributed most of his behavior to his breed, (Marema Crossed with Sheppard) and the fact that he was a very young puppy. He also did not like to eat. In fact he ate so little that he started to drop his weight drastically.
We took him for his first scheduled vet visit, at which time we were told he was doing fine, aside from maybe needing to put on a little weight. The next visit, when he turned 8 weeks old, I mentioned my concern for his lack of appetite. Again, the vet perceived nothing out of the ordinary, other than being a very picky eater.
By the time Blaze was 9 weeks old, he had his first seizure. He began to attack clothing, tearing it to shreds and eating it, crying at the top of his lungs, and head pressing in a daze around the room. I immediately rushed him back to the vet. I figured he was going to die right there in my arms. On first evaluation, the vet figured it had to be rabies. We would wait until morning to see if he succumbed to his illness. However, the next morning he was found to be improving - not rabies after all. Blaze was brought back home on the assumption that he had gotten into some sort of poisonous substance. A few days later, he had another seizure.
It took weeks of conducting test after test, but in the end Blaze was finally diagnosed with a liver shunt. This condition prevented Blazes body from binding and expelling toxins that entered his blood stream. This was the cause of his anorexic behavior, his seizures, his dry brittle coat, and his stomach conditions. The prognosis - terminal. The only thing we could do was to manage him on a combination of Lactolose, low protein diet and antibiotics until this mixture became ineffective. All this time, Blaze appeared to be suffering. He slept constantly, was listless and took no joy in his surroundings. We were beginning to think that the only option for us was to put him to sleep, as much as that would break our hearts.
That was when we were introduced to Galozyme® Canine. At this point, I was willing to give anything a try. We started him on Galozyme® immediately in combination with his Lactolose and low protein diet. That was 9 months ago. Today, Blaze is a hyper, highly energetic, bubbly, playful puppy. In fact, there are days we jokingly tell him we are going to take him off Galozyme® if he doesn't settle down. He has gained weight and grown taller, and his coat has taken on a healthy soft texture. He is also no longer anorexic, in fact he gets so excited about his dinner mixed with a tad of Galozyme® Canine that he does jumps and circles when its feeding time! In my mind, the only explanation for his turn around is Galozyme® Canine. Just recently we took Blaze to another vet for a check up. The vet actually didn't believe that Blaze had a liver condition, because he was such a bright, vibrant thriving pup (Not at all your traditional shunt patient). We had his blood worked up again just to be sure. His condition had not changed. His liver is still not functioning properly; however, you would never know it thanks to Galozyme® Canine. To this day doctors are amazed that Blaze is thriving as he is. I am positive that if it wasn't for Galozyme®, Blaze would not be with us today. Just a pinch of Galozyme® Canine in his food everyday has enabled him to lead a normal life full of play and pets! Galozyme® truly has saved my puppy's life!
Kim LeMoine